Causes and Most Effective Treatments Of Bottom Back Pain

Causes and Most Effective Treatments Of Bottom Back Pain

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Pain or pressure if your lower back is often injured. Sciatica, arthritis, and other conditions can cause bottom back pain. Lower back pain is common. It affects most people in life. A 2020 study found that lower back pain is the world's leading cause of work absence and disability. Most lower back pain is injury-related. Certain medical conditions can cause it. Most people first experience back pain between 30 and 50. Age-related body changes contribute to this. The fluid between spine vertebrae decreases with age. Therefore, spine discs are more easily irritated.

Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain can have many causes and symptoms.

Common symptoms include;

  • pain during resting or prolonged sitting.

  • Pain when lifting or bending can radiate from the glutes or hips.

  • Stiffness after inactivity or waking up numbness or weakness

Other rare but severe symptoms exist. Symptoms may include leg/foot/back pain, unintentional weight loss, fever, and bowel control issues. If your back pain lasts more than 72 hours or is severe, see a Dallas pain clinic.

Lower Back Pain Causes

Lower back pain has many causes, including chronic conditions.

Muscle Strains or Tears 

Excessive activity can tear back muscles and ligaments. Sprains and strains can also result from sudden movements. Muscle spasms and lower back pain are symptoms.

Herniated Disc

As we age, our back discs are more likely to be injured. External discs can tear or herniate. A slipped or ruptured disc is a herniated disc. It occurs when disc cartilage presses against the spinal cord or nerve roots. Cushion between spinal vertebrae extends outside its usual position. The nerve root may be compressed as it leaves the spinal cord and vertebrae. Trauma and aging may cause it. A herniated disc can cause 6 weeks of pain without treatment.


The sciatic nerve links legs and spine. The sciatic nerve can be compressed by a herniated disc. Leg and foot pain from sciatica is usually burning or pins and needles.

Spinal Stenosis 

The spinal cord and nerves are compressed by spinal stenosis. Disc degeneration often causes spinal stenosis. Bony spurs or discs compress the nerve roots or spinal cord. Symptoms of spinal nerve pressure include numbness, weakness, and cramping. The body may feel these symptoms anywhere. Many people with spinal stenosis experience worsening symptoms when standing or walking.

Unusual Spine Curves

Spinal conditions causing unusual curvatures include scoliosis, lordosis, and kyphosis. Most of these conditions are present at birth and diagnosed in childhood or adolescence. Unusual curvature can cause pain and poor posture by putting pressure on muscles, tendons, ligaments, and vertebrae.  

Lower Back Pain Treatment

Create a treatment plan after receiving a diagnosis and understanding your condition. Your best option depends on your symptoms and pain cause.

Home Remedies

The first 72 hours benefit from self-care. Visit a back pain doctor in plano if your pain persists after 72 hours of home treatment.

Consider these home remedies:

Heat Therapy 

To treat bottom back pain, try cold therapy, the RICE protocol (rest, ice, compression, and elevation), over-the-counter pain management like ibuprofen or acetaminophen, and a warm bath to relax tight muscles. Sometimes lying on your back hurts. If so, lie on your side with your knees bent and a pillow between your legs. If you can lie on your back, place a pillow or towel under your thighs to relieve lower back pressure.

Medical Care

Medical treatments may include: 

  •  medications.

  • medical devices

  • physical therapy

  • Doctors may prescribe medications such as muscle relaxers.

  • nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory

  • Injections of corticosteroids reduce inflammation.

  • narcotics, which may be prescribed for acute pain or cancer-related chronic pain.

  • Supporters and back braces are medical devices.

  • Physical therapy may include massage, stretching, and strengthening exercises.


Surgery may be needed in severe cases. Surgery is usually tried after all other treatments fail. If you lose bowel, bladder, or neurological control (like leg numbness or weakness), you may need emergency surgery.

Lower back pain surgeries include:

  • Discectomy: A discectomy can relieve nerve root pressure from a bulging disc or bone spur. A surgeon removes a small piece of the spinal canal's bony lamina during this procedure.

  • Foraminotomy: This procedure opens the spine's foramen, where the nerve root exits.

  • IDET: IDET involves a surgeon inserting a needle through a catheter into a disc and heating it for 13.5 to 16.5 minutes. This thickens the disc wall and reduces inner disc bulging and nerve irritation.

  • Nucleoplasty: In nucleoplasty, a surgeon inserts a wand-like device through a needle into a disc. A device can then remove the inner disc material. It heats and shrinks tissue with radio waves.

  • Ablation: Lesioning or ablation with radio waves interrupts nerve communication. A surgeon heats a special needle to destroy nerves.

  • Spinal fusion: A surgeon removes discs between vertebrae. They fuse the vertebrae with bone grafts or metal screws. Spine strength and pain reduction result from this process. Find out about spinal fusion.

  • Spinal laminectomy: A surgeon removes the lamina to enlarge the spinal canal. This reduces nerve and spinal cord pressure. Also called spinal decompression.

How to Prevent Lower Back Pain?

Many methods can prevent lower back pain. These steps may reduce or eliminate pain if you get hurt.

  • Prevention may involve abdominal and back muscle exercise.

  • - Lose weight if overweight.- Lift items properly with knees and legs.- Maintain proper posture.

  • Consider sleeping on a firm surface.

  • Use supportive chairs with proper height adjustments and avoid high-heeled shoes.

  • Smokers should quit because nicotine degenerates spinal discs and reduces blood flow to prevent bottom back pain.

Consult a doctor about lower back pain. They can determine the cause and help you devise a solution.

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